I can't believe summer is finally over. I can't believe today is the first day of Autumn. As much as I love September for all the beautiful things it implies (yes, birthdays and all that), it is such a sad month, always full of memories of summers gone by. It is THE month of goodbyes, of taking planes, trains and buses back to Uni.The month of wailing over all those things you could've/should've/would've done this summer when you had the chance. And that impending sense of doom that makes your stomach flip when you think how many days are left until you have to pack your suitcase a.k.a play a level 1000 tetrix to try and fit all the winter clothes that you bought on one of those O.C.D shopping trips after a teary goodbye. It's weird because there are quite a lot of people that love September; going back to a routine, doing some organizing around the house, having coffee with old friends to catch up on each other...
The thing is that I used to LOVE September. My birthday was approaching, the start of school meaning new books, stationery and so on, finally sitting down on a cafe with my best friends and gossiping about the summer crazyness... I remember clearly the summer before our senior year and how we were talking about what we would do after we finished school.... It felt like we had our whole lives in front of us, we could do anything we wanted, be anyone. Of course, we still have that, I mean we're 20 (NOT ME, NOT YET, I STILL HAVE 2 MORE DAYS) for god's sake. But somehow, it doesn't feel the same. And when I moved away to study, that is when I stopped loving September and our relationship changed from lovers to ex-lovers-who-are-still-friends-but-don't-see-each-other-cause-it-hurts-too-much.
Anyway, after this poor display of my communication skills, I want to show you the good things (yes, there were some of those too), the amazing things that happened this summer, and one of them was my mum's and I Italy trip. You've seen some pictures of Tuscany and now come some Roman ones. I'd never been to Rome before but I had heard so much about it that I was worried I was too pre-prepared, if that makes any sense. One of my first impressions was the amount of trafic. OMG. How many Vespas can you see in a day? (rethorical question, of course) But I guess you learn to live with it because it is part of the charm of the city. But something that is definitely not part of the charm are the turists, me included. I have NEVER seen so many turists in one place before, not even on an airport, not even on the Harrods Gift Hall on Christmas. That really became overwhelming at times but also helped to see the other side of Rome, where there are "less" turists and you can actually stop and look at things instead of being carried around with the tsunami of people. Despite all this, I loved it, it is unique, it has a very clear "vibe" as a city, you kind of understand why Romans are so proud of her. It makes you want to be part of it too; to be able to wake up and walk to Saint Eustachio and get a coffee, sit by the elephant sculpture on Piazza Minerva and watch the city come to life. Be able to find the Trevi Fountain empty at some time of the year (I swear there has to be a moment where there is NO ONE there)....
Here are some little things I bought in Rome. A
Kling bag that was love at first sight. Vintage sunglasses by an Italian brand called
Gherardini which I found out later, have a long history. A couple of postcards with two of my two favourite movies with Rome as scenario. A necklace made out of murano glass and a hat that I found on a shop that was closing down and it was the last one they had. The story of it is a bit confusing. In the hat it says Giuseppe Rossi. Montevarachi. And below, S.Terzi. I know Montevarchi is a town in Arezzo where the Prada outlet is but no specific information about any hat factory there. Other hats from Montevarchi have been linked to La Familiare, another brand which there is non existent info either... I am just happy that I was able to find something so unique without even knowing!
P.D I've put a little Google translator thing at the bottom of the page because this entry is soo long that if I translate it to spanish myself it would be endless. The translation as a whole is not bad but there are some big errors too. However, I thought it would be nice.