Saturday 3 March 2012


I don't think I've had such a long and chilled day as today in a while. Will and me started off going to a Vintage Fair in the morning where they sold clothes by the kilo. I had never been to one before to the excitement was in the air although the clothes were from the 70s, 80s and 90s..... The place was pretty organized considering the amount of people that go through there during the day. I didn't find a lot of stuff that I loved but I did grab a nice burgundy wool jacket with quite big puffed shoulders that I HAD to buy. After rummaging for an hour or so, we left and walked through Schoredich to Brick Lane and Spitafields Market which was heeving with vintage sellers and tourists. After our very successful vintage shopping, we sat down in a lovely square and had some coffee: typical saturday behaviour.

It was still early in the day so we headed to the Barbican to get culturized. It was very very busy but we saw an interesting exhibition by a Chinese artist called Song Dong. This is an extract of what he wrote about the exhibit.
            " On August 11, 2002, my father suffered a heart attack, and in a matter of minutes, he left us forever. My entire family sank into a depression. For my mother, in particular, it came as a great emotional shock, and drastically affected her spirit and behaviour. Nothing we did could pull her out of her sadness. "Art" was my  last hope. As my mother helped me with my art-making, she slowly emerged out of grief. In the three years following my father's death, I countinually planned this collaborative exhibition with my mother. In truth, art was no longer of importance. The most crucial thing was to pull my mother out of her isolated and grief-stricken world and give her fresh air to breathe"
The art piece was just a space filled with objects, hundreds of everyday domestic things that you could find in a house: boxes, medicines, chairs, bottles, toys, books, clothes, shoes... everything was neatly placed but the amount of space that it covered was unbelievable. It was like seeing someones life through daily objects, most of them old and not pleasant, but still touching.
P.D Photos by Will Bowden.... since my camera is currently being repaired

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