Monday 12 May 2014

Happy Birthday, Katharine Hepburn ...

There are not plenty of adjectives in the English language to describe Katharine Hepburn. She was a complex woman with as many facets as a diamond. Intelligent, well spoken and feminist icon of her time, she challenged the role given to women in Hollywood and the film industry, filling her career with strong, independent characters. Hepburn elevated the suit to a whole new level, making it her uniform and a fashion staple in a time where women were always expected to wear a full skirt to dinner. In 1951, during her stay at the Claridge's hotel in London, she entered and exit the hotel through the staff entrance, due to the established dress code of no-trousers in the lobby.
 Fearless and outspoken, the redhead managed to become one of the most successful and beloved actresses of all time by being herself and never bowing down to men or tradition. 
Happy Birthday Miss K. 

Live dangerously. There's a lot to be said for sinning


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